Explore Therapist-To-Therapist Referrals

Browse categories of referrals posted on Belongly, or sign up, create a vetted profile, and respond to the situational needs of other therapists seeking help.

Belongly is a secure HIPAA-compliant platform. Currently, we only accept US-based therapists.

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Belongly is the number one source for finding and giving mental health referrals.

Explore Therapist-To-Therapist Referrals

Browse categories of referrals posted on Belongly, or sign up, create a vetted profile, and respond to the situational needs of other therapists seeking help.

Belongly is a secure HIPAA-compliant platform. Currently, we only accept US-based therapists.

Type of Referrals

Type of Referrals

Belongly Referrals


Find new clients and get help for people you can’t serve.

Overburdened Waitlist?  Missing Therapeutic Alliance? Belongly is a HIPAA-compliant, platform for high-quality referral exchange between licensed vetted mental health professionals with an active US license.


Find new clients and get help for people you can’t serve.

Overburdened Waitlist?  Missing Therapeutic Alliance? Belongly is a HIPAA-compliant platform for high-quality referral exchange between licensed, vetted mental health professionals with an active US license.

Belongly Referrals