The Belongly Guide To Raising Your Rates

As you continue to provide therapy services and acquire additional expertise, it’s likely that you are becoming better at what you do and in higher demand, warranting further compensation. This worksheet has been designed to help mental health professionals like you navigate all the details, work through any hesitations, and develop a solid plan for raising rates when the time comes.

The Belongly Guide To Raising Your Rates

As you continue to provide therapy services and acquire additional expertise, it’s likely that you are becoming better at what you do and in higher demand, warranting further compensation. This worksheet has been designed to help mental health professionals like you navigate all the details, work through any hesitations, and develop a solid plan for raising rates when the time comes.

Raising Your Rates

As mental health professionals, you have the authority to establish your own pricing structure and determine when to increase your rates. However, many of you struggle with effectively conveying a fee hike to your clients and overcoming any fears or anxieties that come with it. It is essential to recognize that you are deserving of a fee increase, and it is advisable to implement one annually, at a minimum, to account for rising expenses and inflation.

As you continue to provide therapy services and acquire additional expertise, it’s likely that you are becoming better at what you do and in higher demand, warranting further compensation. This worksheet has been designed to help mental health professionals like you navigate all the details, work through any hesitations, and develop a solid plan for raising rates when the time comes.

Download your free copy of our “raising your rates” worksheet.

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Money is a fraught subject for most people, but research indicates that therapists have a particularly hard time talking about finances. After all, most of us were drawn to the profession for altruistic reasons, not to “get rich.” But just because we are a compassionate, morally-guided bunch doesn’t mean we are not entitled to financial stability.

On the contrary, if your current fee structure is such that you can’t afford to take time off or participate in other self-care activities, you risk resentment and burnout…

As mental health professionals, we understand that your passion and expertise lie in helping your clients, not crunching numbers or worrying about the financial health of your practice.

Yet, many of you have expressed curiosity about knowing what rates to charge, the sustainability of your practice, and more. It’s a common struggle that we’re here to help you address. Use our new calculator below to check in on the health of your business to see if you’re charging the right amount, need more sessions, or perhaps have another professional source of revenue.