The Best Mental Health Blog By Therapists… For Therapists2022-11-30T17:08:52-05:00

More Articles From Belongly

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Making Friends as a Therapist- Why it’s Hard and Three Strategies to Help You Get Connected

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the following scenario… It’s 9AM on a Monday. You just booted up your computer and are looking over your schedule for the week. From taking just a brief glance at the screen you see that your week is packed. You have at least 5 individual sessions each day, plus you’re leading a few groups this week. You take three slow breaths and jump in. Fast-forward to 6PM that Friday, when you look up from your computer screen and realize your ...

Publish Your Own Article On Belongly

At Belongly, we’re inviting mental health professionals to submit their articles for distribution within our community and across our multiple channels.

5 Tips for Managing Work-Life Balance as a Therapist

Reading Time: 8 minutes Therapists often instinctively put patients’ needs above their own, making them more susceptible to burnout. Discover 5 tips for maintaining work-life balance as a therapist, so you can avoid burnout and ensure the sustainability for of your practice.

Publish Your Own Article On Belongly

At Belongly, we’re inviting mental health professionals to submit their articles for distribution within our community and across our multiple channels.

Lessons in Autumn

There are many lessons in autumn we can learn. Particularly lessons from the trees during autumn. ...

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